Disclaimer Of Sorts

Any and all opinions, controversial and otherwise, are strictly the opinion of the specific author expressing said opinions. Any one opinion is not likely to be shared by all of the contributing authors, as many do not even know each other. The authors also realize that when it comes to certain topics, there are as many varying perspectives as there are human beings. We are in no way forcing anyone to change their beliefs based on our experience, knowledge or ideals. We are merely challenging the status quo of your life and asking you to think outside your "comfort box." Entertain new ideas and perspectives. Respect others. That is all we ask. Oh, and please contribute to our conversations. There's nothing more awkward than hundreds of people observing someone talk to themselves. :)

We would also like to add than often, due to the content, an author would like to remain anonymous. When they choose this option, it will appear as though the post was written by Jane or John Doe. Other authors will go by a "pen name" or even their real names. Established bloggers will link their posts to their own blogs, so it would be very kind of you to check out their own personal blog if you enjoy their writings here. I also feel it necessary to add that several bloggers may use the same John/Jane Doe handle. This does not mean all posts signed by either "JD" are written by one person. The blog posts will operate independently of each other unless linked to a previous article by the same author. 

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