What is The Betterment Project?

The Betterment Project was started by a mom who decided she was no longer content with remaining stagnant in her life. She wanted to learn and to grow as a person, as well as helping others do the same. She found that the more she read about various topics and spoke with others who represented many ideals and perspectives, the more she as a person grew. She found herself becoming more compassionate to the hurting, more understanding of the confused, and more willing to accept and love those not quite like her. She also found that she had much farther to go.

And the more she read, the more she discovered how many different areas of our human lives are limited by our narrow perspectives. How little we know about very few things, when there are infinite amounts of  topics to discover. She realized there was no way she could do this on her own, so she implored and employed various friends and acquaintances to assist with writing on topics where they had expertise, and put them all together on one website.

These topics are not meant to be comprehensive, although the topics that receive the most reader attention will probably be given more space. The posts written are meant to encourage interests that maybe the reader did not know they had, or perhaps that they didn't understand how to expand upon. They are also meant to give the reader a broader understanding of the world around them and a basic, functioning knowledge of various topics relevant to today's culture.

Thus, the Betterment Project is the journey of many different people from many different walks of life sharing with you the things that make their lives BETTER. Our hope is that you will discover something new here that interests you, expands your mind and creates a curiosity in you to explore your world and the people in it with greater understanding. 

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